So for the past few weeks, I've been trying to follow a strict, but healthier diet. On top of that, I've been doing a lot more cardio and some weight training in hopes of toning up, gaining some abs, and losing some of that jiggly wiggly. I must say though, disciplining yourself takes a lot of effort. Some days I would fail and wake up late enough to skip the most important meal of the day-- breakfast. Then just end up being lazy for the rest of the day, and just sit at home. Anyone on the same boat as me?
Anyways as promised, here's a post that's a bit more colorful than some of my previous posts. Ok...maybe not just a bit more colorful...but ya. Some of these pictures might be a bit hard on the eye because of the high contrast, but just bear with me. I've been dying to do a post like this. If you ever want to make your outfit pop, just put together opposites and contrasting colors on the colorwheel, and there you'll have it. Just becareful though, cause it would either be super pleasing to the eye, or you will get horrified stares. This post features my friend Joyee, who put together, styled, and modeled the outfit. You guys can check out her style on her instagram (@joyeecheng).
Many of you might be wondering where Doris went, and I reassure you she's still alive. Haha. She's just busy with work! She will be posting soon! On a random note, I legit need to clean my I guess I'll end the post here. Enjoy the rest of your summer, everyone!
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well- Matthew 6:33
Model, and styling: Joyee
Photography, makeup: Carmen
Skirt: From Bankok
Top: Urban
Jacket: Hong Kong
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell