Not too many retailers are with the sustainable fashion movement with such gusto and commitment. Apart from regular apparel and accessory searches, you are even able to search for items based on the eight-badge sustainability critera (which includes: made in USA, organic, vegan, recycled/repurposed, energy efficient, handmade, fair trade and eco-conscious). As well, Modavanti donates 2% of every sale to their chairtable partners: Charity Water, Nest, and 19th Amendment, which you can read more about here.
Now I know what you're thinking, sustainable clothing? Sounds like there would be a boring selection right? Wait till you see the 19 brands that have already signed on, some of which include: Heidi Merrick, Allison Parris New York, Agave Denim, and SkinnyJeans. Oh, and there's also a "closet" feature which is exactly as it sounds - you can curate and build your own closet as well as browse through others. :)
Enough talking from me though, it's better if you check it out yourself! Oh, and here's a link to a shoot we did a while back with Eco-style, all the sustainable clothing were provided by Goodwill just to give y'all some ideas.
P.s. These pictures don't do the site any justice, blogger needs to stop resizing my images!


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